Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Test week!
Honestly, I would have never thought that the common test week was so near. It really felt like I had just started school, and the next thing I knew, the common test week has started. A relief this time that out of the four subjects I'm taking this semester, only three is tested, and one is open book. The open book one was on Saturday. But right now, I'm really worried about the other two test that is own Thursday and Friday. It seems like I have not really understood what the lecturer was saying the whole time. It really does seem like a load of rubbish to me. During lecture I also get really distracted, probably because of the fact that the lecture was really boring. Unlike secondary school, I really feel that it would have been a lot easier if I had sat down at home everyday, after both lecture and tutorial is finished, and really go through my notes and the tutorial answers. I would have never thought that it was such a problem, because in the secondary school days, I always studied like the day before the test, and it had never been any problems. But right now, I think it's really a challenge. Like one chapter worth of information, really takes up a lot of time to really understand and type out notes. I do about an average of two chapters worth of notes for one day, and after that I get really cranky, because of all the information that is stored in my head. Then I would crave for ice cream. I think it's really going to be a huge challenge for me to remember all the stuff that I have not really been paying attention to all this time, in a few days. It really seemed like history, geography, social studies and math all combined together. So for the next term on wards, I'm going to try to sit down everyday and do the notes up for each chapter, so that I won't have to rush the last minute. It's really not as easy as it was before.
So really, to all those that think that you would have more time to slowly study in Poly as compared to JC, I can tell you that's not really true. Because, from what I heard, apparently we have more chapters to study as compared to the JC kids. Also a note from my ITE friends, they told me that what they studied in the three years in ITE, was probably only going to be helpful for probably a whole semester or two. But now that they have actually told me about their story in ITE, I don't really think that the kids in ITE is that bad after all. Well, it's not like the thing that you should be aiming for at N level, but honestly, if you know that you are a slow learner, I think that going ITE maybe a better choice (depending on your results). It's actually not a very shameful place to be in. I know that people might look down on you, but honestly, if you think that it would benefit you. I think it's always better to take the longer route then be sorry at the end. It's possible to get into poly from ITE, and then maybe to uni. It's not like what everyone says that if you go to ITE, you won't have any future. It's not true. It's just that you have chosen to take a longer route to success.
To think that last time I actually thought that being in poly was a really bad thing, because of what my parents and grandparents keep saying to me. So I actually thought that a normal person would go to a JC, and that poly is just really the last option or something. But after hearing from poly people that if you actually get into uni, you would most probably skip year one or something. That's when I knew that Poly is no where inferior to JC students. It's true that taking the poly route to uni maybe harder, (since the seats at uni are reserved for JC kids), but I think that if you work hard. There is really nothing that you can't achieve. I've met people with  very low o level scores (in other words, good results), go into poly. And really, I felt dumb. Everyone all have pretty much the same or better scores then me. Not like I've got anyone to blame, since I was playing throughout my secondary school life.
Trying to give myself more motivation here to keep myself going, and hope that I can get into a decent local uni.

I've finally watched Sherlock. It was, seriously, one of the most awesome shows I've ever watched. I really love all the deduction, and about the fact that Sherlock was never really the perfect man. Something more towards the realistic side. Since last time, I really did not understand why people like the book Sherlock Holmes. But after watching the show, I guess I can sort of understand why people love Sherlock. Highly recommend that you watch this. It's just plain awesome. If you think that it's all words and no action. After watching, you would realize that there is action in the story.

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