Monday, May 27, 2013

Drawings: May

Hatsune Miku
Random colouring I did. I got my image from google. Used normal colour pencils for this.

Drew only half her face for this. But I really liked how the eyes turned out.

Side view.

Maid in the manga. as you can see I was too lazy to go on drawing. Haha.

Reimei Arcana
Drew the eyes only, because I really liked how the author draw eyes.

Tonari no Kaibutsu kun
Also another manga that I love the way the author draw the eyes. Probably one of the 4 authors in which I like the author's drawings. Most likely Mizutani's eyes.

I got bored during lesson in secondary school (in sec 4). So I drew random pictures and made a random background with random curved lines. Turned out no bad eh? 

I was bored again. This time i drew on the front page of my foolscap. Used ruler, pen and pencil to do this.

My most recent drawing after I attended the Comic CCA. The chibi form of Hori-san. Most likely from the first chapter last page. Really cute.

Comics CCA
So, recently I joined the Japanese cultural club in my school, under the comic division. It's really fun, and I really love the way the people there drew. The people there were really otaku-ish. They are all really expert, made me look like someone with primary school drawings D: So after that, I got really obsessed with drawing. I even bought a sketch book for it. The pencil I'm using is a 0.38 mm. But recently, I'm really busy with all the common test that is coming up. So most likely will only update this blog and my anime review blog after my common test is over, which is probably from the 8th of June onwards. And no, I probably would not stop watching anime even during this point of time. Probably will put on hold the animes which I need to rewatch (for the previous season). 

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