Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunday, 12 May, 2013

Sorry I have not been posting much as of late.
Poly started and I'm trying to get used to this new lifestyle. As excepted the people here are really different from the people I'm used to in my secondary school. Honestly I found some of the lectures here really boring. It's really dry and most lecturers don't really bother making it sound appealing to us students. To add on the the cons, some lecturers really have terrible spoken English. Maybe I'm just to used to having the people around me speak more of a proper English and less of the Singaporean accent. But honestly, some of their accent are just too strong, and I cannot stand the way they pronounce some of their words. Really gets to me some times. But so far most of my Tutors are OK in that field. I really like some of my Tutors. But I find some of them better of teaching a small classes then when holding lectures.
I guess so far I'm still lucky as I don't really have any big projects going on (my friend in SP has a lot of projects and presentation going on right now.), except for some really long term assignments for some of the subjects. I'm not really use to that. It's really different from the lifestyle in secondary school. You have to properly manage your time and keep track of the time you have left, so that you don't fall behind. Everything in secondary school was pretty much planned out for you, and all you have you do is follow.
Recently I just did a mini presentation (luckily it's in pairs, if not I would probably have died from a panic attack.) I still have the fear of looking at the class while I'm presenting something. I know I have to do something about it since it will effect my presentation marks, and it does play a huge part in your final year marks. I know I'm quite OK when it comes to the slides (Mine have very little words in it, and a lot more information to say). So I guess I really have to work on my presenting skills, though I already got a few tips from a graduate of a different poly, I find that it's hard to follow them even though you know what you are suppose to do, and what the teacher is looking for. So from what I've heard, it's best if you roughly know what you want to say for each slides, and you don't carry a cue card around. It's better if you use hand gestures like pointing to indicate which point you are on as you present so that the people listening won't get lost. The most important is probably to look up and face the people while you are presenting. But here are the problems that I find myself doing: Since my slides have barely anything, I usually plan out what to write, so my script is pretty lengthy for each slide. There may be no unnecessary information, but if I don't plan out what I want to write an say it from the script, I would tend to miss out points which may be necessary. Another thing is probably the fact that I really hate eye contact. I don't know if this has got anything to do with my low self-esteem, I cannot stand it when there are so many pairs of eyes looking at me. I get really nervous and my head goes down in an instant.
Honestly, I really hate holidays in poly. You may get to enjoy that day of the holiday, but you would have to have make up lessons the day before or the day after. Which really pushes your dismissal timing off by a lot. Usually we end at about 4-5, but at times where you have make up lectures or lessons, you would be dismissed the earliest at about 7. And it's a really long day since lessons usually starts at 9 in the morning.
I also attend Japanese lessons on Mondays from 6 to 8. I'm OK with the timing since I have sports and wellness from 3 to 5. But I guess, when its such a long day, by the time you return home, all you do is probably snack a little, bathe and then sleep. But since my lessons are all tutorial for that day I don't really have to do work.
I've recently also joined the Japanese cultural club, comic division. Honestly I was suppose to go for the trail 3 weeks ago, but I totally forgot. Then it was suppose to be my first time going for the club last week, but because something came out and because I was sick, I did not go. So I'm really looking forward to this week's Friday.
I guess, so far, I really really miss my secondary life. It's really peaceful and not so stressful. Honestly, I never did find O levels stressful. I was pretty much slacking half the time. But things there were a lot easier then the thins we learn in poly. For some odd reason, I did not really have to study much in O levels to get through it. But in Poly I really do feel kind of lost during lectures. Also, the amount of money you spend in poly is a lot more then in secondary school. In secondary school, 10 dollars probably last you a week. But in poly, you probably use 10 dollars one day if your staying for both lunch and dinner. The type of people there may also post a problem to you. Honestly, there are many B*tches. I would never though I would find myself saying this. Well, maybe it's because the people in my secondary school are just really nice people. And they are those that won't purposely make you fall, but just treat you like a normal human being. I guess in life, there would be many backstabbers, and those that really want to make you fall so that they can shine. Or maybe I was just so lucky that I did not meet this kind of people in my whole 10 years of my life, until now.
But really, I only have one thing to say: Treasure your secondary school lives people~ It may probably be one of your best times in life!

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