Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

BBQ - Shopping
Today we had BBQ at my friend's house. We bought the food first, which includes sausages, ice cream, chicken, pork, drinks, charcoal, bell peppers, ota, satay, sauce, etc.

BBQ - Prep Work
Did some preb work, in which my friend's mother did most of the job of cutting and marinating the food. We mostly just skewer the food onto a satay stick.

BBQ - Starting Fire
Friends trying to start the fire.... but kind of failed without the fire starter.

Started grilling and BBQing. The place near the grill was really really hot. I wonder how people actually can do all this stuff, because half the time i was jumping up and down because it was just too hot. The nuggets and pork was the best. It was the first time i tried putting marshmallow over the fire. Really cool effect. The outside was crispy, but the inside is all melted.

My friend's house had this karaoke/movie room.really cool. We spent like half of our time there singing songs.

Little Pancakes - Orange Yakut
My friend's drink at little pancakes. I find the cup really cute. It looks like a jar, but really, it has got a proper handle. She told me it's too sour.  

Little Pancakes - Strawberry or Me
I ordered this together with my friend. It comes with diced strawberries with strawberry ice cream and strawberry yogurt. The pancakes were as awesome as usual. I think the ice cream and diced strawberries really goes well together. Probably a healthy choice.

Little Pancakes - Oreo
I have no idea what the name on the menu for this is called. But it's pancakes with crushed oreo, oreo with marshmallow and chocolate chip (or was it double chocolate?) ice cream. Friends said the marshmallow tasted terrible.

Little Pancakes - Matcha
Pancakes with green tea ice cream and red beans. I really found the deco real pretty. But other then that, there is nothing special about it. Friend told me it was not as nice.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Nail Art: Levi's Jeans

Levi's Jeans 
This nail art is inspired from the Levi's Jeans sale patch work. (although as you can see, it's abit of a failure), and my nails look so tiny here. 
For the nail polishes I used Orly in Blue collar for the base colour (of the patch work, which is the lightest shade of blue) and Orly in Sapphire Silk for the other nails base colour. Used OPI in Road House Blues and Essie in Blanc for the patch work. 
For this nail art I used tooth pick and a sponge. I used the tooth pick to draw random rectangle or square shapes on the nails and then fill them up to make them look like patch works. Then I sponged on a little of the Blue collar for the more jeans look. As for the other nails, I just sponged on the colour Blue collar, more intense in the middle and make it fade out, for the washed Jeans look.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Had Manhattan fish for lunch. Grilled dory (if i'm not wrong) Lite. Very strong garlic taste, but I like the way they grilled the fish and cook the fried rice. 

Ice Skating
Went ice skating at Jcube. The skates were real weird as compared to the kallang one that I'm used too. The blade in front is not as sharp as the kallang one. It also made my right foot real painful after awhile. Still unable to skate by myself. I wonder what's wrong....

Ice Skating
They use the scanning system, which is pretty cool. Different time slots people have different colours.

Had starbucks after that. I got green tea latte iced. 

Random picture of me wearing the mask since it was very hazy. I decided that this picture was ok for posting. hopped the mask covered most of my face. The blond highlight is a hair extension I bought from Guardian. I cut it to match my hair length. 

I used the techniques from this video I watched on youtube:

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Friday, 7 June 2013

Finally tests are over! Was really really happy that the test are over, and is now moving on to the holidays. But I still got a few projects to do over the holidays, which sucks. And the following term is going to get harder. I was able to chiong thru this term's test. But I don't think I can do anymore last minute works for the main test. But Who cares for now? I'm so going to just enjoy myself during this holiday. Have so many things planned our for myself. (well not really, but is considering....)

Was suppose to eat the Japanese buffet that was at 313 Somerset. But when we went there, it had closed down. So we went to eat Ramen Play that was on the same level. I ordered Spicy Minced Meat. I really like the fact that its spicy, and I like the noodle. But I didn't like the fact that the meat was sweet, and the portion they gave was too small for me. But overall, I really liked it.

Ordered Matcha (Green Tea) Milkshake. I really liked this drink. There is a balance in the sweetness of the drink. The Whipped cream was sweet, while the milkshake itself has little or no sugar added, which gives the whole drink a really balanced taste. I like the way they presented this drink.

We went to Kbox at Scape. Picked the K Happy and sang from 2pm to 5pm. Really enjoyed it. It came with two small bowls of tidbits, and two drinks per person.

My mum bought me a new camera. It's White!!! Haha, this camera was on sale, so ya... The pictures above were taken with this camera. Totally in love with this camera. I mean, it's white you know.

Also bought a new key board since the old keyboard's number pad was not working, and I needed it to work if I was going to be playing audition. Totally, don't really like this keyboard. But I guess I just have to get use to it. It does not really make a lot of sounds that I really liked to hear, and I don't really like the feel of it.

EwF (Everything with Fries)

 Picture that was took quite long ago, but totally forgot to post up. Its from EwF. It's Fish Platter with Curry fries. I really love the curry fries. It's better then Mac Donalds. Just to warn people, the bread has butter in it.

Random pictures also from last time. Top one is Seafood Anglio and the bottom is Dark Devotion. Really love TCC for their Spaghetti. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Test week!
Honestly, I would have never thought that the common test week was so near. It really felt like I had just started school, and the next thing I knew, the common test week has started. A relief this time that out of the four subjects I'm taking this semester, only three is tested, and one is open book. The open book one was on Saturday. But right now, I'm really worried about the other two test that is own Thursday and Friday. It seems like I have not really understood what the lecturer was saying the whole time. It really does seem like a load of rubbish to me. During lecture I also get really distracted, probably because of the fact that the lecture was really boring. Unlike secondary school, I really feel that it would have been a lot easier if I had sat down at home everyday, after both lecture and tutorial is finished, and really go through my notes and the tutorial answers. I would have never thought that it was such a problem, because in the secondary school days, I always studied like the day before the test, and it had never been any problems. But right now, I think it's really a challenge. Like one chapter worth of information, really takes up a lot of time to really understand and type out notes. I do about an average of two chapters worth of notes for one day, and after that I get really cranky, because of all the information that is stored in my head. Then I would crave for ice cream. I think it's really going to be a huge challenge for me to remember all the stuff that I have not really been paying attention to all this time, in a few days. It really seemed like history, geography, social studies and math all combined together. So for the next term on wards, I'm going to try to sit down everyday and do the notes up for each chapter, so that I won't have to rush the last minute. It's really not as easy as it was before.
So really, to all those that think that you would have more time to slowly study in Poly as compared to JC, I can tell you that's not really true. Because, from what I heard, apparently we have more chapters to study as compared to the JC kids. Also a note from my ITE friends, they told me that what they studied in the three years in ITE, was probably only going to be helpful for probably a whole semester or two. But now that they have actually told me about their story in ITE, I don't really think that the kids in ITE is that bad after all. Well, it's not like the thing that you should be aiming for at N level, but honestly, if you know that you are a slow learner, I think that going ITE maybe a better choice (depending on your results). It's actually not a very shameful place to be in. I know that people might look down on you, but honestly, if you think that it would benefit you. I think it's always better to take the longer route then be sorry at the end. It's possible to get into poly from ITE, and then maybe to uni. It's not like what everyone says that if you go to ITE, you won't have any future. It's not true. It's just that you have chosen to take a longer route to success.
To think that last time I actually thought that being in poly was a really bad thing, because of what my parents and grandparents keep saying to me. So I actually thought that a normal person would go to a JC, and that poly is just really the last option or something. But after hearing from poly people that if you actually get into uni, you would most probably skip year one or something. That's when I knew that Poly is no where inferior to JC students. It's true that taking the poly route to uni maybe harder, (since the seats at uni are reserved for JC kids), but I think that if you work hard. There is really nothing that you can't achieve. I've met people with  very low o level scores (in other words, good results), go into poly. And really, I felt dumb. Everyone all have pretty much the same or better scores then me. Not like I've got anyone to blame, since I was playing throughout my secondary school life.
Trying to give myself more motivation here to keep myself going, and hope that I can get into a decent local uni.

I've finally watched Sherlock. It was, seriously, one of the most awesome shows I've ever watched. I really love all the deduction, and about the fact that Sherlock was never really the perfect man. Something more towards the realistic side. Since last time, I really did not understand why people like the book Sherlock Holmes. But after watching the show, I guess I can sort of understand why people love Sherlock. Highly recommend that you watch this. It's just plain awesome. If you think that it's all words and no action. After watching, you would realize that there is action in the story.