Monday, May 27, 2013

Drawings: May

Hatsune Miku
Random colouring I did. I got my image from google. Used normal colour pencils for this.

Drew only half her face for this. But I really liked how the eyes turned out.

Side view.

Maid in the manga. as you can see I was too lazy to go on drawing. Haha.

Reimei Arcana
Drew the eyes only, because I really liked how the author draw eyes.

Tonari no Kaibutsu kun
Also another manga that I love the way the author draw the eyes. Probably one of the 4 authors in which I like the author's drawings. Most likely Mizutani's eyes.

I got bored during lesson in secondary school (in sec 4). So I drew random pictures and made a random background with random curved lines. Turned out no bad eh? 

I was bored again. This time i drew on the front page of my foolscap. Used ruler, pen and pencil to do this.

My most recent drawing after I attended the Comic CCA. The chibi form of Hori-san. Most likely from the first chapter last page. Really cute.

Comics CCA
So, recently I joined the Japanese cultural club in my school, under the comic division. It's really fun, and I really love the way the people there drew. The people there were really otaku-ish. They are all really expert, made me look like someone with primary school drawings D: So after that, I got really obsessed with drawing. I even bought a sketch book for it. The pencil I'm using is a 0.38 mm. But recently, I'm really busy with all the common test that is coming up. So most likely will only update this blog and my anime review blog after my common test is over, which is probably from the 8th of June onwards. And no, I probably would not stop watching anime even during this point of time. Probably will put on hold the animes which I need to rewatch (for the previous season). 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tuesday, 22 May 2013

Dolce Tokyo
Went back to this cafe at 313 somerset for my project.

This time round I just ordered a regular tea. It's called Gen Mai Cha. Totally did not know what type of tea is this, but because I wanted to try a new type of tea (since I've always been drinking english breakfast tea and earl grey), I just chose one that sounded the most decent. It comes in this cute tea set. It tasted kind of like rice, and it really has a milder taste to it. I'm guessing that you re able to refill it once? (not sure since I could not drink anymore then two pots of tea). The cup is really cute. It has like double layer of glass. All the tea under the tea section cost S$8.50.

Macha Panna Cotta
I'm guessing this is kind of like a Macha pudding. They have surround it with jelly and macha tea. Milky pudding with a scoop of red bean paste. I took a bite out off the pudding (since it was my friend's). It was really nice. I think there is a balanced of sweet and bitterness if you eat all of them together at once. Cost S$7.

Shiratama Kuri Mitsu
The one of the left is called Non-caffee Frappe Chocolate. Cannnot tell you how it taste like since I did not try it. But it cost S$6.50
The one of the right is called Shiratama Kuri Mitsu. It had Vanilla ice cream together with jelly and random fruits (Strawberry and blue berry). Cost S$9.00

First time trying Popeyes. (or however you spell it as). Ate the spicy chicken together with cheese fries (the cheese comes separately with the fries). The fries and cheese really does taste like the one in long john silver. It also comes with bread. I really liked the fries and chicken (except for the fact that it's a little to dry compared to KFC), but the bread really taste like it has to much flour. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Randomly took a picture of my shoes because it's just too cute. Toe nail colour from deborah lippmann (forgot what the colour name was), with butter london in Tart With a Heart.

Went to friends house to do project. Turns out her house was so freaking huge. It has 4 levels, including the basement.

Little Pancakes
Had Little Pancakes for tea time at Upper Thompson Rd. Really cute deco outside. Could not resist taking a picture of it. Don't you find the mustache just so cute?

What I ordered. Classical pancakes with a single scoop Vanilla ice cream. Cost a total of 9.70. Really worht the price because it's just so delicious. They put the maple syrup in a mini cup and the butter off to the side. 

Maple Syrups
Took a random picture of all the maple syrups on display.

Tea Leaves
Saw this and took a random picture. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Favorite Song List: 16 May 2013

Never Lover Boy - Tiffany Alvord
I just heard this song not to long ago. I really really love the bridge. It's very catchy, and i think she totally nailed it for this song. Especially since she does not really fit in high notes in most of her songs. So for this I think that she really had a balance of high and normal notes.

Everything I'm not - The Veronicas
An old song from them. Only recently just started following them closely. Really addictive song. Probably the best song this month for me.

Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavinge
Avril's new song! I'm wondering if she is going to come out with a new album. A very very addictive song.

Come and Get It - Selena Gomez

Nail Art: Starry Glitz

Nail Art
Did a glitter gold gradient nail. I colored a nude base colour first to help hide the whites of the nails. then I slowly build the intensity of the glitter up the nail.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Time for photo spaming session since I was to lazy to transfer it from my phone.

Korean Cup Noodles!
For the longest time in my life I always wanted to taste Korean cup noodles. So, when I went to Kallang Leisure park and spotted a Korean food store, me and my friend went there to buy cup noodles. The picutre on top is Jajamuyn. It taste kind of weird, and not what I expected. It was sweet (which I dont really like). In the bottom picture, it's a super spicy type of cup noodle. Really Really spicy. Even though I like spice, I really found this spicy. But once you start eating, you just cannot stop. Really recommend that one.

Went to try the new Japanese dessert store at 313 somerset, called Dolce Tokyo. A really nice and cosy cafe, except the fact that it is built in the middle of no where. If it would have been in the corner with at least 3 walls,  it would have been a ton better. 

Dolce Tokyo
The top picture was what I had ordered. Matcha iced blended with gelato. I actually really liked the taste. It has that really strong matcha smell, which I always really liked. Not to sweet or anything. The only thing about this was that it was over priced. It cost like S$9 for that one cup, and it does not come with does cute little small spoon. So i just poked my straw in to eat it.
The bottom picture was what my friend had ordered. Sundae. You've got Strawberries, peach, brownie, conflakes, marshmallow, matcha gelato and ice cream with matcha sauce. All for the price of S$9 too. THe only problem with it (since i stole a marshmallow from her), was that the marshmallow really tasted like it had been left in the open for quite some time, and lost it's freshness.

My new skirt I bought from Bugis. It is in this really cute nude pastel colour with a little bit of lace at the edge for that girly look. I paired it with a random top i bought from Forever 21 which I never worn before because I totally don't know what to match it with. The skirt is really airy, but the shirt really killed me because I was wearing a singlet underneath it due to the fact that it was literally transparent. 

Dr. Martens
First time wearing my Dr. Martens ever since I bought it in Hong Kong. My is in the colour Rouge (Also means red in french). It's really comfy, but I have to warn you, the rim really hurts. Try to wear long socks people, if not your going to get scars on your legs.

Lunch at Bugis. My friend introduced me to this store at Bugis, beside the Japanese store (which is beside Crystal Jade), because I had sore throat. Really nice. I love the fact that the soup is fish soup.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunday, 12 May, 2013

Sorry I have not been posting much as of late.
Poly started and I'm trying to get used to this new lifestyle. As excepted the people here are really different from the people I'm used to in my secondary school. Honestly I found some of the lectures here really boring. It's really dry and most lecturers don't really bother making it sound appealing to us students. To add on the the cons, some lecturers really have terrible spoken English. Maybe I'm just to used to having the people around me speak more of a proper English and less of the Singaporean accent. But honestly, some of their accent are just too strong, and I cannot stand the way they pronounce some of their words. Really gets to me some times. But so far most of my Tutors are OK in that field. I really like some of my Tutors. But I find some of them better of teaching a small classes then when holding lectures.
I guess so far I'm still lucky as I don't really have any big projects going on (my friend in SP has a lot of projects and presentation going on right now.), except for some really long term assignments for some of the subjects. I'm not really use to that. It's really different from the lifestyle in secondary school. You have to properly manage your time and keep track of the time you have left, so that you don't fall behind. Everything in secondary school was pretty much planned out for you, and all you have you do is follow.
Recently I just did a mini presentation (luckily it's in pairs, if not I would probably have died from a panic attack.) I still have the fear of looking at the class while I'm presenting something. I know I have to do something about it since it will effect my presentation marks, and it does play a huge part in your final year marks. I know I'm quite OK when it comes to the slides (Mine have very little words in it, and a lot more information to say). So I guess I really have to work on my presenting skills, though I already got a few tips from a graduate of a different poly, I find that it's hard to follow them even though you know what you are suppose to do, and what the teacher is looking for. So from what I've heard, it's best if you roughly know what you want to say for each slides, and you don't carry a cue card around. It's better if you use hand gestures like pointing to indicate which point you are on as you present so that the people listening won't get lost. The most important is probably to look up and face the people while you are presenting. But here are the problems that I find myself doing: Since my slides have barely anything, I usually plan out what to write, so my script is pretty lengthy for each slide. There may be no unnecessary information, but if I don't plan out what I want to write an say it from the script, I would tend to miss out points which may be necessary. Another thing is probably the fact that I really hate eye contact. I don't know if this has got anything to do with my low self-esteem, I cannot stand it when there are so many pairs of eyes looking at me. I get really nervous and my head goes down in an instant.
Honestly, I really hate holidays in poly. You may get to enjoy that day of the holiday, but you would have to have make up lessons the day before or the day after. Which really pushes your dismissal timing off by a lot. Usually we end at about 4-5, but at times where you have make up lectures or lessons, you would be dismissed the earliest at about 7. And it's a really long day since lessons usually starts at 9 in the morning.
I also attend Japanese lessons on Mondays from 6 to 8. I'm OK with the timing since I have sports and wellness from 3 to 5. But I guess, when its such a long day, by the time you return home, all you do is probably snack a little, bathe and then sleep. But since my lessons are all tutorial for that day I don't really have to do work.
I've recently also joined the Japanese cultural club, comic division. Honestly I was suppose to go for the trail 3 weeks ago, but I totally forgot. Then it was suppose to be my first time going for the club last week, but because something came out and because I was sick, I did not go. So I'm really looking forward to this week's Friday.
I guess, so far, I really really miss my secondary life. It's really peaceful and not so stressful. Honestly, I never did find O levels stressful. I was pretty much slacking half the time. But things there were a lot easier then the thins we learn in poly. For some odd reason, I did not really have to study much in O levels to get through it. But in Poly I really do feel kind of lost during lectures. Also, the amount of money you spend in poly is a lot more then in secondary school. In secondary school, 10 dollars probably last you a week. But in poly, you probably use 10 dollars one day if your staying for both lunch and dinner. The type of people there may also post a problem to you. Honestly, there are many B*tches. I would never though I would find myself saying this. Well, maybe it's because the people in my secondary school are just really nice people. And they are those that won't purposely make you fall, but just treat you like a normal human being. I guess in life, there would be many backstabbers, and those that really want to make you fall so that they can shine. Or maybe I was just so lucky that I did not meet this kind of people in my whole 10 years of my life, until now.
But really, I only have one thing to say: Treasure your secondary school lives people~ It may probably be one of your best times in life!