Sunday, April 6, 2014

Saturday, 29 April 2014

So the new robinson in orchard has opened! And in the basement, with all the cookwares, there are a few restaurants there. Two of them are japanese, and both by Akashi あかし. So there is a gyouza shop, selling mainly only gyouza. You can choose either the soup one of the fried one. I personally prefer fried ones because it's always that has perfect crispy-ness if well cooked. And yes, I really liked how they cooked the gyouza, but I thought that it was too salty. It's only normal for the soup one to have extra seasoning, since it's like boiled, but gyouza are meant to dipped into the sauce (i'm not too sure but I think it's some kind of soy sauce) with chili oil. But the moment I dipped mine into the sauce, it became too salty. 

There is also a lack of variety of food in the menu, for main dishes, there are only two types of fried rice to be chosen from; the seafood one and the garlic one, and the only other main dish other than the fried rice is jyajyamian. I ate the garlic fried rice, which was basically just egg with garlic, but was quite nice.

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