Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Yoshimaru Ramen Bar
Went to holland V for Ramen with bestie, (she's ramen obsessed). I had this Spicy Miso Ramen.
I also think that it's never true ramen without the egg (especially hate those over cooked ones, or those that don't even give egg).
Love the noodle. Must try ramen.

Had matcha green tea ice cream for dessert. It is plain matcha green tea ice cream (with lots of sugar), and Shirotama (I think that's what it's called), topped with red bean paste. Very classical japanese dessert. But I still prefer the ramen play ice cream, because it's less sweet.

Plain Vanilla
After which, we went to buy cupcakes from Plain Vanilla.
It comes is this gorgeous box, tied with twine, very classical and vintage look. it cost $3.50 per cupcake. I bought the Earl Grey lavender and cookies and cream flavor. Not a big fan of cupcakes, and the only other cupcake I have actually eaten from is from Twelve Cupcakes. 
I must say the cream / icing is really sweet, so I didn't eat it. The base is quite nice; though the earl grey flavor lacked the fragrance and taste of earl gray (I love tea), and the cookies and cream one tasted more like brownie. Though compared to Twelve cupcakes, I would say Twelve cupcakes one was more moist. (not sure if putting it in the fridge had any effect on this).

Guardian - One Day Sale
Lastly we went to guardian to buy some... stuff, because there was a one day sale going on. 
bought toner (or lotion) from Habo Labo, whitening lotion from vaseline and baby lips (lip balm) from maybelline.  

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