Friday, March 28, 2014

Gardens by the Bay

Garden by the Bay
So me and my friend decided to go visit Gardens by the Bay. Or to be more exact, I wanted to go because she actually went one at night and took a picture; which was so pretty I had to give it a visit. We explored the two domes, the cloud forest and the flower dome. 

The cost of going into each dome is S$10 for each local person. Non-locals are required to pay a little more.
The two domes are located really near each other, so when you go out of one of the dome, the other dome is there. So there isn't a need for you to walk so much.

We ate lunch there before walking around:

I thought that the food around there would be really expensive, but to my surprise, they weren't. For a main course and a drink (choice of iced tea or coffee), it cost S$15. I ate the mushroom ham aglio olio, and iced tea. It actually tasted quite nice. 

Flower Dome
We first went towards our right, which was where all the cactus were.

Statues like these were all over the place

When we reach the end of all the random cactus, you would be able to see the whole of the place.

The Flowers

Went you step in and walk towards your left, you would see this huge knight on a horse, surrounded by flowers. Most of the flowers from here onward, are pretty.

Some of the flowers there were surrounding the statue:

Walk to the end and you would see this flight of stairs, which actually leads to this canopy bench. It was a really nice place to just rest for a while. We took a bunch of selfies, that didn't turn out great (at least my face didnt)

Random pot of plant that was beside the bench I was sitting

The top of the dome

Beside the flight of stairs to the canopy bench, is the path to the toilet, framed with some really pretty flowers.

So lets be a teenager for once, TOILET SHOT!

So beside the toilet, there is this row of flowers which are all white. Really pretty~

Kind of looks like a field of those white flowers right? It's actually just a whole bush of them

Another resting area
The middle of this are, lies this random glass casing which, I think, shows us about what Olive Oil contains.

Looking down from the resting area, is the area of the dome where there are mostly different types of roses, and lots of mannequins 

Taken from the top of the resting area

Overview of the whole area
Cloud Forest
After walking finish the flower dome, you would be out at this area just above the ticketing area. There would be a gift shop to your right and an area where you can buy ice cream on your right, and the clour forest dome if right in front.

First thing you would see when u step into the Cloud Forest dome is this HUGE water fall.

This Mini sky walk all over the dome. You would have to go up the escalator to this mini sky walk.

Friend's nail art that kind of matches these flowers haha

Miniature set with real moving train.

Walking further down and you would see this weird car covered with.... is that moss? Further down would be the escalator, I suggest going from the top most floor down; it's a lot more convenient.

Overview of the top most floor (lvl 7)

On the lower floor, there is this random area where they put all the random idk whats that.

Model of the whole area
 End of the cloud forest. There were mini terrariums.

Marina Bay Sands
Went to Marina Bay Sands. Shots were taken on the bridge connecting the two:

Stopped by Coffee Bean to rest our legs and tea break. Ordered Warm Chocolate Molten Cake, which was way too sweet. Didn't finish it. Loved their Long Black Iced tea though.

Random sister took this

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