Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Bought these from Gmarket (or now known as q100) Bought one black skull and one white cat. BY the time these arrived, the haze was gone. So I pretty much have no use for these anymore. haha, waiting for the next haze period.

Bought these flats from they have an instagram acc too~ I bought these for $25. It has hidden 2cm heels.

Starbucks breakfast. Ham and Cheese Croissant with Green Tea Cream Tall. 

Strictly Pancakes
Went to strictly pancakes for the first time. Tried Strawberry and Co. and honestly, it taste terrible. It was way to sweet and the pancakes were just not very nice. After I ate one whole pancake, I could not take it anymore. A huge contrast between the extreme sweetness of the sauce and the saltiness of the pancakes. 

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