Thursday, May 22, 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Spageddies - Seafood Sizzlelini
I'm not a fan of seafood, in fact, I don't really like seafood. But this, was unexpectedly nice. Just the right portion for two people. The seafood were all beautifully cooked (well to me it was), though the pasta was kind of over cooked because it was placed at the bottom of the hotplate. Everyone should try this!! You can find Spageddies at Jem lvl 1 (just beside the entrance), at Orchard Central lvl 4, and at Changi airport T3.

go to: for more information.

Random OOTD
Wearing my fav cat shirt (super comfy) and my fav beige shorts from Lowry's Farm.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Photo Shoot 1 - Clarke Quay

Clarke Quay
So after going to China Town, we decided to go Clarke Quay.

Can u believe, there is a vending machine selling flats! First I've seen in Singapore, since Singapore is a very.... You can say upright and proper country that doesn't do a lot of funny things (Sadly D:).

Last stop: Starbucks. And Yes, more eating!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Photo Shoot 1 Part 1 - China Town

Labour Day - PhotoShoot
So Yesterday was Labour day, and my sister and I decided to take out our cameras and go for a photo shoot around Singapore. We picked China Town and Clarke Quay; according to our grandpa, there would be a lot of random buildings around to take. Unfortunately in Singapore, there is very limited places with vintage looking buildings and places with lesser people. So here is what I took:

So finally at China Town, we decided to sit down and eat dessert at one of the popular dessert shops. I ordered Mango Snow ice while my grandpa ordered green tea snow ice. They both tasted awesome. Though I was pigging, eating both portions. The green tea snow ice really tasted like Hokkaido ice cream.