Saturday, November 23, 2013


Flash Cards
Rilakkuma Flash Cards bought from Kinokuniya. Gotta start studying soon, common tests are coming.

(I have a strange obsession with long socks.) Socks from Ebay finally came. Took me ages to find one with the three strips. Though not very stretchy.... But I like the quality.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Meji Ice cream
Tried this mini meji ice cream. It's really good! I like how it's not very creamy (I don't like ice cream that leaves oil residue on your lips.) Good size for me, so that I don't over eat. Since I always eat ice cream after dinner.

Finally did my nails. Didn't do for like ages. (by myself that is). I just painted normal colours. The base brown-glitter colour is from Butter London in All Hail the Queen. The Copper glitter is from Orly in Watch it Glitter. Honestly, It's a really nice copper colour. But i guess the contrast between the soft brown and the edgy copper doesn't blend well...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Tried the Croquette (or some of you might know it as Korokke) and Matcha mc Flurry. Wouldn't recommend eating the Croquette. It's worst than Mos burger's and it has this weird taste (it tasted like curry roux, but I'm not sure).